Hiring Our Heroes

What happens to a military man or woman when their call of duty ends? All too often they return home unsure of what the next step in their life should be, unsure of how to re-enter the workforce, unsure of themselves. Muth and Company hopes to help eliminate some of that uncertainty by putting soldiers back to work. Muth is proud to take part in Hero2Hired (H2H), a program started by the United States Chamber of Commerce to help soldiers get back into the workforce. H2H is a two-day program on March 19-20 at the Franklin County Veterans Memorial. The program provides two days of important programming:  

  1. Career Training Workshops- military personnel can receive expert guidance and advice on all things job related including how to write a resume and how present themselves in an interview.
  2. Employment Fair-representatives from local companies will be available to discuss opportunities in their companies. 

As any job seeker knows, skills and preparation mean nothing without connections. The second day of the program is an employment fair where companies can connect with military men and women who may be just what they are looking for in an employee. Muth and Company plans to participate in this job fair and hopes to come away with some potential new team members. 

Chad Muth explains why he is so passionate about H2H.  “I have lots of family and friends that have served in the military and they all panic a little when getting out because they are worried about getting a job and getting back to civilian life.” He was happy to hear about Hero 2 Hired because it provided a structured way to connect with many returning military personnel in one place. Chad adds, “We have looked into programs before but never found anything to easily solicit military. This is a program through several agencies. I received a letter in the mail and then moved forward registering on line.”

Former military make great employees for a couple of reasons that Chad finds very impressive. He says, “I have always liked hiring Vets. Vets have a strong work ethic and are used to working together as a team. That’s what we are at Muth and Company…a big team!”

The next time you see a Muth and Company truck in your neighborhood, you may want to say “hello” and offer your thanks to the team members. There’s a good chance one of them just might be a Veteran.

Check out the Hero2Hired program taking place in Columbus by visiting the US Chamber of Commerce website. http://www.uschamber.com/hiringourheroes/Columbus-OH

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